Props Closet Organization • Part 2

This is a two-part blog, if you want to read from the beginning, check out Part 1.

After the initial phase of clearing out what wasn’t needed with costumes, we mimicked the same process from Part One with wigs, facial hair pieces, and hats. Once we finally had only the items we wanted to keep, we were able to move to the next phase.


Part 2: Categorize, Label & Inventory

  1. Categorize: We sorted through the items and began categorizing them. For example, with wigs we made piles based on hair type by length, curly/straight, character, and color.

  2. Label: After items were sorted, each wig was put into its own bag, labeled, and all similar wigs were put into bins.

  3. Inventory: We started a GoogleSheet to track items, quantities, and location. We also added “tags” to make searching for items easier. For example, a reindeer costume would have the tags of “animal”, “Christmas”, “brown”. With tags, we can pull up items that are just about Christmas or just animals.

This process continued through for every item including: facial hair, hats, shoes, and costumes.


Big shoutout to Molly Fritz and Matthew Haines for spending two FULL days going through every item with me. It was a TON of work, but time well spent. Now we can search our inventory list whenever we need to know what items we have, and we know exactly where to find them.